
Only through our community’s support can we continue to provide opportunity, empowerment, and a sense of community to children in Springfield who need it most.

What does my donation do?

  • Allows Compass for Kids to remove some barriers to success that kids face
  • Supports a program where staff and volunteers provide transportation to get the kids to and from the program
  • Supports our Backpack Feeding Program, which sends shelf-stable food home with the kid each weekend when they can’t be at school or at Compass
  • Supports Club Compass where there is a promise of hugs, support, a listening ear, a delicious family-style dinner, and consistent, positive adult role models

Giving Options

General Donations

Donate Online or by Check

Send a check made payable to Compass for Kids:

Compass for Kids
Attn: Development
1201 S 4th St.
Springfield, IL 62703

Planned Giving

Planned Giving provides an opportunity for our generous donors to create a lasting impact on the lives of children and families we serve, ensuring that our mission continues for years to come.

Planned Giving allows you to support Compass for Kids through a variety of financial vehicles, such as bequests, donor advised funds, real property, charitable gift annuities, trusts and more. By including Compass for Kids in your will, you can help secure the future of our programs that empower children with essential skills, mentorship, and resources.

Your commitment today can inspire hope tomorrow.

Do you have questions about your gift? Would you like to contribute with Stock or other methods?

Please get in touch with Compass for Kids Senior Donor Relations Manager, Brandy Stabler at, (217) 481-4651

Ask about SPONSORSHIP opportunites!


Each contribution helps promote our vision that all children in our community experience success and reach their full potential.

Recently, we introduced a new leadership opportunity where older YLDP students lead icebreakers for the group. After going through facilitation training, Nelly’s group was up—but her peers were hesitant. Without missing a beat, Nelly stepped up, introduced their activity, and led with confidence!

Isaac, a 5th grader, had a great experience at Camp Compass and was thrilled to join our school-year program. After just two weeks, he told us how much he loves Club Compass—especially making new friends and feeling included. He said it’s very hard at school because a lot of his peers often ignore him. But while he’s at Club, everyone talks to him—volunteers and other students invite him to play academic games or be their partner during wiggle time activities. Isaac is very happy to have found a “home” at Club Compass.

Other Ways to Give

Snack supplies are always in demand! Club Compass and Youth Leadership Development Program fuel the kiddos after school! Check out our Amazon Wish List for an easy way to donate to the programs:

Compass for Kids, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN 81-2829202. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your donation. Donations are tax deductible.